Former Indian cricket team pacer Venkatesh Prasad got engaged in a war of words on Twitter with ex-India opener Aakash Chopra on Tuesday. Of late, Prasad has been tweeting a lot on India opener KL Rahul getting a long rope, while other performers like Kuldeep Yadav have been dropped easily. Former India opener Aakash Chopra, meanwhile, did a YouTube video on KL Rahul. Towards the end of the video, Chopra urged Prasad to stay calm and not peddle ‘agendas’ if there are any or highlight stats that suit his thoughts.
“I am not saying KL Rahul will become like Rohit Sharma but I humbly request you to stay calm. If there are any agendas, let’s not peddle them. Let’s talk about the numbers that are actually there and not those that suit your thoughts,” Aakash said.
The comments did not gone down well with Prasad and he took on the former India opener on social media. “So my friend Aakash Chopra after making a vile video on YouTube this morning where he calls me an agenda peddle, conveniently and cleverly misquotes me, removes Mayank’s average of 70 at home, wants to gag views which are not in line with what he believes but wanted Rohit out,” Prasad wrote in a series of tweets.
So my friend Aakash Chopra after making a vile video on YouTube this morning where he calls me an agenda peddle, conveniently and cleverly misquotes me, removes Mayank’s average of 70 at home, wants to gag views which are not in line with what he believes but wanted Rohit out
— Venkatesh Prasad (@venkateshprasad) February 21, 2023
“So my friend Aakash Chopra after making a vile video on YouTube this morning where he calls me an agenda peddle, conveniently and cleverly misquotes me, removes Mayank’s average of 70 at home, wants to gag views which are not in line with what he believes but wanted Rohit out.”
Later, Chopra invited Prasad for a video chat, however, Prasad declined the offer by tweeting: “No Aakash, nothing is lost in translation. In your 12 minute video you have called me as an agenda peddler because it didn’t suit your narrative.”
No Aakash, nothing is lost in translation. In your 12 minute video you have called me as an agenda peddler because it didn’t suit your narrative.
It is crystal clear. And I have made my points very clear in this Twitter thread. Don’t wish to engage with you further on this
— Venkatesh Prasad (@venkateshprasad) February 21, 2023
Now, it has come to notice that on Tuesday, Prasad had also liked an old video of Chopra with Suniel Shetty, who is KL Rahul’s father-in-law. In the video clip, Chopra can be heard calling Shetty as his big brother.
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